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ICSE (Indian Certificate of Secondary Education)
The Indian Certificate of Secondary Education ensures a general education without any diversification of studies as all candidates are required to take Six subjects and Socially Useful Productive Work (SUPW). Group I subjects are compulsory, and students must choose To select One Second Language from Group One, TWO from Group II and ONE from Group III

Group I: English, History & Civics, Geography, Second Language (Hindi/French/Kannada)

Group II (A) (any one): Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology), or Economics

Group II (B) (any One): Mathematics or Environmental Science

Group III (any One): Computer Applications / Economic Applications/ Commercial Applications/ Art / Physical Education / Mass Media & Communication/Robotics / Artificial Intelligence

All students in Grades X and XII, regardless of the subjects chosen, must fulfil the Socially Useful Productive Work (SUPW) grade to obtain a pass certificate. The nature of this programme may involve field trips and community service, which are organised by the school.